31. 🌱 New beginnings: An Origin Story

Midweek Momentum Newsletter: how entrepreneurs can become a great money manager

How Marketing Issues Changed Our Business

With springs arrival and the start of Q2, it feels like "New Beginnings", and to celebrate we are sharing a story all about new beginnings.

These new beginnings come from our founder and CEO, Jill McAbe, who as of April 1st, quit what she’d been doing for the past five years, actually we (her whole team) quit with her, and closed up our training and coaching business for entrepreneurs, to embark on something new.

So we are sitting down with Jill to discuss how a pervasive marketing challenge her business faced, and many business owners face, became the catalyst for this change. A change that she realized could not be solved with another time consuming course or coaching program.

Like all entrepreneurial endevours Jill recognized a problem and sought a solution. This conversation explores that journey and the innovative outcome her and her team created.

Q: What exactly was this problem with marketing

and sales that you kept running up against?

The way in which marketing and sales education and solutions are offered to entrepreneurs is rarely providing the results we expect. I know because we were following the conventional path offered.

The Problems with DIY-Marketing

In the early days, like many people, I tried to DIY our marketing in what was a very piecemeal way. These are just some of the professionals I hired to help with our marketing strategy in the hopes it would drive sales;

  • social media managers
  • content developers
  • marketing companies
  • branding companies
  • tech development professionals
  • sales page creators

With each hire I'd spend hours, sometimes days onboarding them to who we are, what we do and for whom. Then of course there was all the money we invested.

The most frustrating part was when they'd ask me, "Okay what do you want?". I went to them expecting an expert who would direct me and know what was the best strategy for our business. I didn't have the answers for them, so the R.O.I. on these hires never really materialized.

One night, at a dinner party with entrepreneur friends, I explained my dilemma and they recommended I work with a more serious kind of agency. I thought it was a great idea but when I got the quotes they started at $75,000 and went up considerably from there.

I wanted to work with them so badly but financially just couldn't. I felt as though my only options were either an Ogilvy-level Agency or Fiverr, with little in between.

Moving to Group Sessions

The next solution I attempted to master our marketing and sales was by investing in group coaching.

Although I expanded my marketing knowledge, what I received was group sourced information that wasn't specific enough for my marketing and sales needs.

As an entrepreneur, with only so many hours in the day to run my business, some of these programs and courses were really onerous with their time committments and deadlines, not to mention time zone differences that often had me working or attending sessions late into the evening.

But for me the biggest dilemma was the group sharing component. Often to get feedback we'd discuss our business, our strategy, our messaging out loud which meant sharing our Intellectual Property (IP) to the entire group.

Our businesses thrive when we have unique strategies and buyers journeys that are kept private. That way no one else can reverse engineer what makes you special, your particular way you offer what you do and your plans and strategies. Sharing our IP with the group didn't feel good.

In the end we spent more on courses, programs, and hires than if we'd gone with the high priced Agency and we still didn’t have a marketing system that we could trust to generate sales predictably.

I came very close to giving up altogether, but something compelled me to keep going.

Q: What was the solution you came up with for reliable marketing and sales strategies?

It all began one day as I stood in my front foyer at my wits end, completely frustrated and with a few tears.

Our service solved real problems for our clients. They were getting life-changing results in their business, but I was tired of us being the best kept secret. Our marketing initiatives for our own business wasn't translating into reliable sales no matter how many different strategies we tried. So right then I vowed I would become amazing at marketing and get our work into the world.

The ah-ha moment came when I realized the problem was our marketing was disconnected from our sales.

One of my specialities is in streamlining operating procedures, so I created a process called True2Brand™ to connect all the pieces of the puzzle. I started helping clients who faced the same issues, and our early results were encouraging:

One of our client's saw thier program enrolment double, another 14x their sales in 6 months and Trina Brooks, a team member and the person writing this article, used True2Brand™ to market her fiction novel. Within the first 3 months she sold more copies than most independent authors sell in their lifetime.

But the first go through of True2Brand™ was a lot of work, and I knew there had to be a simpler way.

So we created The True2Brand™ Accelerator which is a project-managed service that's like having your own marketing team without breaking the bank. We go through everything from strategy to implementation, step by step, until you trust your marketing and earn the sales you want.

It's structured, it's got mentorship, it's fun and engaging and we even added an ROI guarantee.

No more trying to patchwork together a salea and marketing strategy or sharing your intellectual property with the group, and no cramming hours of video watching and assignments into your week, at the detriment of running your business.

This is the solution we wish we had when we started out, but like any entrepreneur when we couldn't find it, we built it ourselves.

If you're curious, you can learn more about the True2Brand™ Accelerator here.

Speed-Up & Sum-Up:

Marketing and Sales Strategies

You Can Count On

This week's Midweek Momentum mantra is a reminder that your vision is static but your methodology can be fluid.

"My purpose has always been and always will be, and it's expression

evolves as I do. I honour it's evolution and give myself permission

to express it with a new mission."

mantra for visionary entrepreneurs: I am skillful at managing my finances and money.

To speed up the adoption of this thinking vitamin, save this image (or take a screenshot)

and set it as your phone home screen.

Are you feeling confident in your own sales and marketing strategy? We hope this issue inspires you to take a step back to assess the tools you are using and the plan you are following to make sure your marketing is bringing in the clients you most want to work with and bringing them through to a sales pipeline you can depend on.

Next Week

We'll go deeper into what you can do to trust your marketing system.

Thanks for reading!

Here's to every small step towards a big dream,

Jill, Trina, and Margarita,

The True2Brand™ Accelerator Team

Have a Joyful Rest of Your Week!

A special thank you for supporting Midweek Momentum by reading right down to the bottom! We are grateful for your attention. If you have any ideas or comments about this issue or suggestions for upcoming ones, we'd love to hear from you. You can reach out directly at mm@true2brand.com.

Enjoy this issue? Sign up to receive it in your inbox every other Wednesday here.

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The blog where vision-driven entrepreneurs and organizations find easy and joyful marketing ideas that energetically attract their ideal clients.

Get True2Brand marketing insights delivered to your inbox every other Wednesday.









By the True2Brand™ Accelerator Team

The blog where vision-driven entrepreneurs and organizations find easy and joyful marketing ideas that energetically attract their ideal clientelle.

Jill McAbe

Executive Director

Founder and CEO

Specialist at True2Brand in vision and strategy facilitation, business model design and leadership development. All about joyful productivity training, and making positive change fun. Not a fan of false dichotomies, Jill loves both dogs and cats, mountains and beaches. She also adores hiking with her two mini-aussie poos.

Joel Baum

AI Director

and Strategic Advisor

Specialist at True2Brand in strategic communications and developing AI Tools and GPTs. Professor of Strategic Management at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Co-Author of "Epinets: The Epistemic Structure and Dynamics of Social Networks." Joel has a fondness for trees.

Margarita Angelatos

Marketing Director

and Energy Healer

Specialist at True2Brand in energy healing, product design, production, and merchandising. Creator of "One Year of Divine Healing". Former Head Designer and Production Manager for Hard Goods and Accessories at Lululemon. Margarita is a caring animal healer and rescuer and has a passion for travel.

Trina Brooks

Client Success Director

and Implementation Coach

Specialist at True2Brand in Storytelling, Interviewing, Self-Publishing, SEO, and Web Building. Accomplished Playwright and Novelist, Author of the Historical Mystery, "The Barron Hills of Creighton," a novel that will keep you guessing until the last page.

The blog where vision-driven entrepreneurs and organizations find easy and joyful marketing ideas that energetically attract their ideal clients.

Get True2Brand marketing insights delivered to your inbox every other Wednesday.

COPYRIGHT 2024 True2Brand™️

